About Us
Sound Check is a non-auditioned community show choir group in
​Dayton, Ohio open to Grades 3 to Adult. They perform at concerts, community events and local senior centers throughout the year. We hold two session per year:
*Spring (January-May)
*Fall (August-December)
​Sound Check was founded by
Sarah Eldred in February 2013.
There are 2 age groups in the
show choir:
*Frequency - 7th grade-Adult
*Amplitude - 3rd-6th grade
What is a show choir?
A show choir is a group of people who combine choral singing with dance, most often within a specific theme.
Sound Check does not require an audition or experience in choral singing or dance.
Contact Us
For more information, please browse our site or contact Sarah Eldred (Director) at
937-974-7887 or soundcheckshowchoir@yahoo.com